Sunday, September 14, 2008

What's With The Rain?

It's been raining here in Ann Arbor nearly non-stop all weekend. I do not like rain. If there was a "Stuff Liza DOES NOT Like" here on this blog, Rain would be #1 for sure. I hate that my pants get wet and then when I sit on them my butt gets wet. I hate that my hair goes from being sort of puffy to an afro in a matter of 5 minutes. I hate that I feel sticky everywhere I go. I hate that my umbrella does not prevent my arms from getting wet. I hate the rain.

I managed to get a fair amount of homework done this weekend though, on account of the rain. I'm trying to get a lot of stuff wrapped up before Emily's wedding this weekend so I can focus on spending time with my family (it's one of my goals for '08-'09 so let's hope I do better than last year). I'm excited for wedding cake and baking cookies with Grandma =)

Today I also checked out the University Lutheran Chapel on campus. I really liked the small feel of the service and the fact that they have communion. Maybe I will go to the Lutheran church in the mornings and to Core at New Life in the evenings. I know what you are thinking..."Woah that's a lot of church!" It's good though, I probably need it. And as it's the only thing right now not stressing me out it gets me through the week. So yay for God and church families =)

Now, if I could only secure a recommendation for the Honors program, find a way to be the best RA ever, and manage to be swept off my feet by my Prince Charming my life would be all set.

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