Saturday, September 13, 2008

Stuff Liza Likes #2 - Librarians

Librarians are actually bespectacled angels. Plus, they are some of the smartest people I know (how do they remember that confounding Dewey decimal system? I mean really?).

Today I went on a hunt for an article I read in the Chronicle of Higher Education that I couldn't access online. After a frustrating 45 minutes on Mirlyn, I decided to seek professional help. The lovely librarian at the UGLI was able to locate it for me in 2 minutes, plus find the author's latest book and put it on hold for me. I told you they were angels.

I actually would not mind being a Librarian someday. All I would have to do all day is read books and summon information for overwhelmed college students. Plus, I would get to wear argyle, sweater vests, and cardigans every day! I think a career switch is in order...


Anonymous said...

Yikes. Talk to me, dear Liza, before getting serious about this, okay?

Anna Belle, the librarian

Anonymous said...

This whole post reminded me of Sophomore year when I had those glasses that James Bloodsworth said made me like I was a librarian in a porno. And then you and I started talking about what it would be like if we were, indeed, librarians in pornos.

Sometimes I kinda miss high-school