Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stuff Liza Likes #1 - [Extra] Bold Coffee

Once upon a time there was a girl who would only drink Mocha lattes and frappuccinos. Then, this girl when to college and realized she could no longer afford the $4.00 coffees every day so instead she started to just drink whatever the Baristas were roasting before she got there because it was only $1.68. Out of this serendipitous misfortune, the girl realized she had a penchant for a well-roasted bold coffee. Yes, in case you missed it, this girl was me.

I don't really remember when I first realized I enjoyed my coffee bold or extra bold, although I think I can pin it on the first time I came home and realized every cup of coffee I drank tasted like water. Nothing could measure up to a good cup of Sumatra from my corner Starbucks. So then I started to do a little online research and realized that most of my favorite roasts were considered "Bold". For those of you who have not been so daring (or who are just looking for a good cup of coffee) ask your baristas at Starbucks (yes I am sheltered and haven't figured out how this works at other fine coffee retailers) to brew you one of the following:

1. Sumatra - Extra Bold
2. French Roast - Extra Bold
3. Kenya - Bold
4. Gold Coast Blend - Extra Bold
5. Caffe Verona - Bold

Sometimes I have ordered a grande and have been given the entire carafe because they know that no one else is going to order it and it's better than just dumping it down the sink. Although, I think they charge you more to freshly brew the coffee. It's your choice - $4.00 for a milky whip-creamy thing that tastes more like a shake (and has 330 calories and 15 grams of fat) or $4.00 for an entire carafe of dreamy full-bodied coffee (15 calories and 0 grams of fat)? I'll take the coffee, straight-up and extra bold, if you please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i <3 coffee!

thanks for your comment, i don't mind if you read at all. any friend of amy's is a friend one mine =)