Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today I saw Obama.

I was on my way to pick up my regular 5$ foot-long from Subway when I noticed quite a commotion outside of the DNC headquarters. I decided it was worth stopping to see who was inside since the last time there were that many press people outside it was for Charlie Rangel and I missed getting to see him tell Hillary to end her campaign. So I thought this time I would stick around to see who everyone was waiting for. About 30 minutes later, Senator Obama himself was seen exiting the building. I don't know if I expected him to be different than he was on TV but there he was, smiling at the cameras and the small crowd of starry-eyed interns and hill staffers. I think I might be in love.

Other than that today was rather uneventful. I had to work tonight at Starbucks and I got to learn how to make espresso-drinks which was fun (although now I smell like a giant coffee bean). Also, I found out some great news on the supplemental we've been working on. We don't really expect it to make it through to the final bill though since Bush seems intent on veto-ing any domestic spending but hopefully we'll get some money after all the effort we put in.

I wish that the Roll Call website allowed non-members to access articles so I could post a link to this amazing article I read today in the Heard on the Hill section (the gossip section, for those of you unfamiliar with Roll Call). Basically, it was mocking Congress for a recent bill they passed on ending interstate monkey trafficking because of the number of people who had reported monkey bites (But don't worry, according to a quote in HoH, you only have a 1 in 84 million chance of getting bit by a monkey today). I just don't understand how they can easily pass a bill on monkey trafficking but there seems to be no solution in sight for the ever-increasing gas prices, the GI bill, or the broken housing market. I guess Mike was right, this really is the "silly season" of Congress.

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