Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Social Identity

The one thing I hate the most about University of Michigan (besides the freakishly cold winters) is that they only provide need based financial aid. According to the government, my family does not fall into this "need-based" category, so I am left paying the $40,000 yearly tuition. So, thinking I would try to save some money I decided to apply to be a Resident Adviser. I got in, but now I have to take this Psychology class on Social Identity.

Taking this class has made me realize one thing. First off, prior to coming to college I have had limited to no experience with people of a different ethnicity than my own. I suppose since I grew up in the little white bubble of Fairview, Tennessee that it was easy for me to pretend racism didn't exist. How could it? Everyone there looked just like me. So now when I have to read all of these articles about "white oppression" I get angry. I can't consciously remember a time when I have said or done something racist. But I sure can remember several times when me being white has affected my chances at getting into school, getting an internship, or receiving a scholarship. How come there are no articles about that? And why do I get labeled "white" when everyone else gets cool hyphenated names like "Asian-American" or "African-American". From now on, I want to be known as "European-American", not white.

I think I have figured out what I am going to do this summer if the internship opportunity in D.C. falls through. There are two options. Option 1 is to go to Leadership Training for New Life. I think this could be a fun trip but would leave me in some debt at the end of the summer. Option 2 is to spend the summer building a writing portfolio of short stories for the Oleander Review and the Hopwood Awards next summer, and possibly sending some out for scholarships. And I could work part-time at Starbucks or Borders. I am thinking Option 2 sounds like a better idea right now, mainly because I am broke and I think my dad would like to have a girl living in the house again.


Alex said...

Welcome to the big people blog ranks, Liza.

On the subject of what to call white people, I'm pretty sure I have a good one. How about Eurmericans. Whatever, I think it works.

Lauren Roe said...

Well, I have to say that I hate Mexicans. Hm , maybe not all Mexicans, but the majority. We have these high school drop out Mexicans living in the dorm and they are so annoying.

P.S. You are not the only GIRL! Hello. Just because I don't primp 24/7 and have a vulgar sense of humor does not make me a man! Thank you.

ALSO, this thing is pissing me off.

JR said...

Just wanted to say that no, Liza is not the only girl and I look forward to BOTH of you being home! No favorites here.....Lauren, I thought you said you were working on being classier? ;-) Take care girls!-Dad

Anonymous said...

Wow, Liza. It's terrific that you are blogging! You are off to a great start -- tackling a subject like racism. My experience was pretty different than yours. I moved to Nashville so my father could teach at Fisk and we lived on campus at first. My father, brother and I were about the only white faces around -- and it was a crash course in how privileged I was. This was right on the heels of having lived in Africa, and having African servants who came with the house we rented. I, a 13 year old white girl, was expected to call the grown man who was our cook, "Boy." I'm proud to say I never did do that. My parents let me know how even though that was the kind of thing most white people did back then and there, it was all very wrong. This was actually in Zimbabwe. From what I read in the papers, Zimbabwe is now in terrible shape. Reverse-racism (if that's the correct term) is rampant. I can understand why the anger there would run so deep, but still, two wrongs don't make a right.

Wendy said...

Liza what an in depth person you have come to be.

I recognize both sides of your dilema. I agree with the dicrimination of European Americans (did I say that right?)when it comes to education. Hopefully a new president will see the need for immediate change and rectify the situation before you are out of college.

I have a "friend" (not so much any more) that is very prejudice. I do not have a conversation with him without it leading to racist marks. I am not exagerating, every conversation has to turn to either blacks or mexicans. People can be so cruel and judgemental for no apparent reason at all. Lets us be better than that. We are all gods people. The religius foundation that you received as a child will carry you through these trying times just fine.

Keep up the great work and being the kind sweet person you are. You have some proud peeps back in TN.

Your dad needs his two favorite girls in the house to fill up some space and time. You girls can definitely keep him in line and on his toes cant you? haha

I miss seeing your smiling face around. Hopefully I will get to see you this summer.

Take care!