Sunday, February 17, 2008

I Hate UROP (And Other Non-Epiphanies)

I have spent the last 4 hours in the CLC working on my UROP project. It's not that my project isn't interesting. Finding out what songs Millard Fillmore used for his Presidential Campaign really gets me going. No, it's not the lack of interest. It's the lack of actual work that needs to be done. First of all, most of the songs that I need to get to are located in a collection in the Clements Library. In order to look at this sheet music I have to come between the hours of 1-4 in the afternoon, and I usually have class. I have tried to find some of these songs online but due to copyright laws I can't find any of the lyrics. So I usually spend about 45 to 50 minutes doing actual work and the rest of the time I fiddle around on Youtube and Barely Political finding funny music videos for the 2008 elections, which is way more interesting than Fillmore. Maybe one day I can be like Alex's friend from Stanford who gets people to pay for her to talk about rocks. Except I can talk about Presidential Campaign Songs. I don't think there are to many people out there studying it since I can find NO resources on the topic.

I had this really strange dream last night that my dog came to visit me for a week and I was so busy with exams and writing papers that I forgot to feed her and she died. It was a really depressing dream. It's after I have dreams like that that I wish I wasn't such a vivid dreamer. But, as I recalled this dream at breakfast over a vanilla-cinnamon bagel I thought maybe God was trying to send me a message that I was neglecting something. I am not sure if it is my family, my friends, myself, or my relationship with him. Things like that are too complex to think about over bagels.


Lauren Roe said...

I beat Alex. I'm sorry, I was just kind of excited about that.
I don't understand why you do all this crazy research and UROP. It all seems kind of boring. Oh well, whatever helps you in life. :) Oh, and I can't believe people pay some girl to tell them about rocks. Rocks are the most boring thing on the earth. OK, maybe not that boring, but I sure as hell wouldn't pay someone to tell me about them. WIKI IS FREE! Hm, I hate that you can use wiki as a valid resource. Oh well.

Your dream totally creeps me out, but it creeps me out even more how you analyzed it so much. To me, a dream is a dream, but then again, I don't really dream.

Bagels are good, but if I'd have to pick a food to think on it wouldn't be a food, it would be coffee. That is where all the great thinking comes from.

Lauren Roe said...

Oh, and aren't you proud of the fact that I didn't leave a lazy comment?

JR said...

Hey Liza, nice blog! I will make sure to read it regularly. I can appreciate your frustration about the UROP stuff. It may seem kind of pointless now but at least you will be able to use it on your resume. As for the dream, it was kind of disturbing but you're right it could be your mind trying to alert you to some facet of your life you are neglecting, but I don't think its your family..:-)Love ya! Dad

Wendy said...

Hey Liza,

First I want to say you and your picture are beautiful.

Good luck with that stupid boring project.

About the dream. You may want to check it out at
This is the information I found on it.
To see a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness. If the dog is dead or dying, then it indicates a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts.

My unsolisitated analysis of the dream is the recent change in your family situation is effecting you more than you know. On a lighter note. I saw Ginger a couple weeks ago she was eating and wagging her tail. She was very much alive.

I had a disturbing dream when I was pregnant for my mircle baby girl. I dreamt that I woke up, got ready and drove to work without checking on Emily or caring for her at all. I just left her in the bed and went to work like she didnt even exist. The dream occurred before she was born. I woke up crying frantically. My doctor said it was the fear of being a mom and if I would measure up. No more dreams happened and I have never left her alone in her 8 years.
